Book review: Word Worries by Tracy King

Book review of Word Worries by Tracy King. Black and white photo of a boy reading a book, sitting on a sofa

I’ve enjoyed reading the new books I’ve been reviewing for Austin Macauley Publishers and “Word Worries” written by Tracy King is no exception. I was gifted a digital copy of the book so that I could review it.

It landed in my inbox at exactly the right time as both our girls struggle with their worries. Our eldest is good at explaining what’s on her mind but our youngest is totally different. She bottles things up which then explodes with her temper and she isn’t able to explain what’s worrying her.

Word Worries by Tracy King

“Word Worries” helps children understand their worries and helps them come up with ways to manage them using yoga poses that unlock their superpowers.

Milly is struggling to sleep because she is so worried about school and learning and thinks that she isn’t as clever as the other children in her class.

This is something that is experienced by a lot of kids particularly adopted children who have experienced early life trauma. Often their home environment in their formative years has left them with developmental delay which isn’t always obvious. This can lead to feeling different to their friends because they don’t understand some of what’s being said in the classroom.

The Feel-Good Fairy visits Milly to show her how to calm her thoughts using magical keys to special positions or poses that she can do. These poses unlock four boxes in her brain called Anxiety, Focus, Confidence, and Memory which are all of the things that were happening too much or not often enough.

By doing the poses every day and following the Fell-Good Fairy’s advice, she was able to access her own superpowers that helped her to feel good again.

I think this book is going to be a useful tool for both our girls and our youngest in particular. She’s six and is struggling with a lot of things from friendship groups to understanding things at school and trying to make sense of her life story. She does yoga at school so I think she’ll enjoy learning how the poses can help her manage some of her feelings.

About the Author

Dr Tracy King is a Clinical Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and Yoga and Meditation Teacher from Kent who works with children and adults to help them reach their potential in life.

She sees children involved in care proceedings who have experienced early life traumas and losses and has seen the value of yoga in helping gain a sense of balance in their unstable worlds.

Dr King personally experienced the importance of mindset and present focus in her own challenge ascending Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with a temperature of -22 during her summit climb.

You can purchase “Word Worries” from a range of retail outlets including Amazon and directly from Austin Macauley Publishers. Please note the link to Amazon is an affiliate one which means if you click on it and buy the book I get paid a fee.

The front cover of Word Worries by Tracy King

If you’d like to find out about other great books, head over to the review section. If you’ve read Word Worries, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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