Mental health: Dads matter too

Dad's matter too

Mental health is still seen as a taboo, despite the battering it’s taken over the last few years for most of us. We’re getting better at talking about it, but not good enough. Paternal mental health is talked about even less. I tried to find some statistics about the number of dads who experience mental […]

Birth parent support: PAC-UK


Parents who have their children removed from their care are among the most vulnerable in our society. They often have a history of experiencing poor parenting themselves which has led to poor life choices. I’m very lucky that I had the kind of childhood that I did. It gave me the tools and skills to […]

Managing menopause: The Nutrition Connection

Managing menopause. Penarth Nutrition

As someone who is going through perimenopause, I’m looking for ways to support my body as it goes through this monumental change. I’ve been managing menopause symptoms with HRT but feel that now they’re more under control, I want to find out about ways I can support my body in a more natural way. This […]

Supporting children’s emotional well-being: Mind Marvels

Mind Marvels. Supporting children's mental well-being

All children struggle with their emotions particularly when they’re trying to process big events. For children with attachment difficulties as a result of their early life experiences, it can be extremely difficult for them to manage their emotions and tell their parents or carers what it is that’s worrying them. So, supporting children’s emotional well-being […]

A Brief Overview of Sports Goggles

Sports glasses. Man holding sports glasses

This is a collaborative post. Everything You Need to Know about Sports Goggles One of the most important tools in a sportsman’s arsenal is their eyewear. Exceptionally crystal clear vision is a major factor that determines the outcome of a game. Whether it is golf, football, tennis, cricket, or hockey, an immaculate vision is the […]

Recognising the signs of perimenopause

How to spot the signs of menopause. Stones balanced on a fence post

Perimenopause isn’t something I knew anything about until I was in the thick of it. I was almost 50 and had just walked away from my career of over 20 years as I didn’t think I knew how to do my job anymore. I’d been off for a while following my mum having a stroke. […]

Book review: Self-Care for Busy Mums

Self-care for Busy Mums. Front cover of the book

There’s no getting away from the fact that being a parent can be tough. It’s full of wonderful bits too. But it’s also challenging and draining. Particularly if you’re a parent to a child who has experienced early life trauma. As parents, we have a tendency to put everyone else before ourselves. When you get […]

Infertility: My journey to loving my body again


I wrote this article back in 2017 and initially published it on Selfish Mother’s blog. It was the first blog I’d published anywhere other than my own site. It was scary to see my words out there about such a personal topic. But we need to have more open conversations about infertility. I knew I’d […]

How journalling can help your mental health: Happybyme

For the vast majority of us, the last few years have seen our mental health take a huge battering. Covid and everything that came with it changed our lives in ways I don’t think any of us could’ve imagined. I can still remember the sheer panic I felt when the first lockdown was announced. I […]

How to Use Offroad Ebikes on Vacation

This is a collaborative post. Are you looking for an exciting and eco-friendly way to explore new destinations? How about taking your ebike to your travel destination? With their battery-powered assistance, these versatile bicycles make adventure travel accessible to riders of all experience levels. So helmet up and read further. Ways to Use Ebikes While […]