How to write your own website copy

Website copywriter Elena Chow sitting behind her laptop smiling

By Elena Chow Are you DIYing your website copy and feel low-key judged by your blinking cursor? If you’re a freelancer or founder who has found themselves wearing the “website copywriter” hat that you didn’t know came free with going “all in” on your business idea, then you’ve come to the right place. Because writing […]

How to run a full-time business with part-time childcare

Mother working on a laptop with child on her knee showing how to run a business with part-time childcare

By Elena Chow Running your own business is an all-consuming role. Not only are you task-switching endlessly on the day-to-day stuff that simply has to get done – but it also occupies your brain space 24/7. Much like, say, parenting. So, what happens when the two collide in those early preschool years? Well, as someone […]

Going back to work after parental leave

Returning to work after parental leave

When you’ve been away from work for any period of time, going back can feel hard. When you’re going back after being on adoption or maternity/paternity leave, it can sometimes feel like going back to work is an impossible task. I can remember getting ready to go back to work after my first adoption leave. […]