Five exercising tips for busy parents

Mother stretching on the carpet in front of sofa, next to her child who is playing with toys showing exercising tips for busy parents

When life is full-on as a parent it can feel like there’s little time to do anything for ourselves. But making time to look after ourselves is key if we want to keep up with the kids and be present. For me, exercise is a key part of looking after myself, but I struggle with […]

Tips for date night without leaving the house

Date night. A plate of snacks, a lantern and log fire

This is a collaborative post. When you’re a parent and you’re in a relationship, it can be easy to get out of the habit of going out with just your other half. When you’re an adoptive parent, it can be even harder. Separation anxiety and a whole host of other things can make leaving our […]

Navigating the menopause: My journey of discovery


Today is World Menopause Day. Awareness about menopause, its symptoms and treatment options are still subjects that aren’t talked about enough. Hence the need for a day (and month) to raise awareness. It’s not something that was on my radar when I became a mum. Which is why it took me so long to recognise […]