New adoption magazine

Would you read an adoption magazine? There isn’t anything like it available in the UK. Somewhere to share stories, resources and advice. So, I’ve decided to launch one.

That’s one of the reasons why there haven’t been any new posts for a while. I’ve been planning the new magazine.

Another reason for the lack of posts is we’ve just been enjoying life. We’ve had a lovely summer with lots of chill time, adventures and a lovely trip to Whitby. There’s also been a fair amount of tantrums and tears from all of us too.

I can’t believe how quickly the time is going. Eldest is loving being in year 1, youngest has just started nursery. I don’t go back to work until the end of October, but decided to start youngest in nursery early to give her some time to settle.

Eldest took a long time to settle at nursery. She loved it once she was there, but drop offs were awful for the first few months. She had to be peeled off me, hysterical, most days. That meant I drove to work in tears which wasn’t the best start to my working day.

Hopefully, starting youngest now means we’ve all got time to adjust before W day. Reality sucks sometimes as I’d love to be able to stay in the bubble of not going out to work. I’ve written about this before as I prepared to go back to work after adoption leave with eldest

I started this blog to share our adoption journey and to promote openness around adoption. I want to expand on this and share other people’s journeys and experiences of adoption in the UK. I’d also like to share articles from experts and provide more information about adoption agencies.

So, I’ve decided to change my blog into an online adoption magazine.

In the long term, I’d like it to provide help and support for everyone affected by adoption. To start off with, it will mainly focus on adopters, sharing their experiences.

I’d love to hear from you as to the kinds of things you’d like to see featured. The format will probably be new posts twice a week with a monthly topic and monthly feature on a particular adoption agency.

I’m aiming to launch the new site on the 14th October which is the start of National Adoption week. So, to get everything ready, I’m probably not going to be posting any blogs.

Let me know if there’s a particular issue you’d like to be covered in the magazine. The more input I from you, the better, so that it’s providing those involved in adoption what they’d like to read.


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