What is an adoption Panel?

Adoption panel. A meeting room with lots of people around a table.

The adoption assessment in the UK is in two parts. Stage One is where initial checks take place and things like medicals, DBS checks, referees and training are done. Stage Two is the home assessment where you have a number of sessions with your social worker to discuss various topics in detail. These are things […]

Therapeutic parenting and education


How can adopters get the balance right between therapeutic parenting and education? That’s the dilemma Chris @gay_dad_of_1 looks at in this article exploring his family’s journey to finding the right school for their son. Trying to get that tough balance of therapeutic parenting and education…. Hi, I’m Chris, have been a dad to an amazing […]

Adoption over the decades: Coram

Adoption over the decades

Adoption first became a legal order in England in 1926. Since then, the legislation and process have changed immeasurable to meet the needs of our ever-changing society. In the early days of adoption, up until the 1960s and 70s, the reasons children were adopted often stemmed from a child being born out of wedlock. This […]

Adoption stories: Hannah’s concurrency journey

adopting siblings

There are two types of adoption in England. The first is the traditional route where a child is only placed with adopters once a court has decided they cannot live with their birth family. That means a child will potentially have had several placements in their short lives by the time they move in with […]