Adoption stories: Contact and life story interview with birth mum Sammy

interview with birth mum Sammy

This week’s interview about contact and life story work is with birth mum Sammy. I’m really grateful she’s agreed to give us an insight into things from her perspective. It’s so important that adopters understand the importance of contact for birth families. It’s sometimes the case that they don’t feel able to reply to our […]

Indirect contact: The settling in letter

settling in letter

I can’t begin to imagine what it is like being told by a court that I can’t parent my child. And then having to say goodbye to them, knowing I won’t see them again for many years. One thing adopters can do to help birth parents deal with this unimaginable time, is to make sure […]

Contact with siblings


Contact with their birth family, usually via yearly written updates, is extremely important for an adopted child. It helps them understand their identity. And to build a bond with their birth family which lays a foundation to build on when they’re older. During our preparation course, we spent a lot of time learning about contact […]