Eco-friendly gift wrapping

Eco-friendly gift wrapping. A brown paper bag next to a small vase of flowers.

Part of the joy in giving gifts at birthdays and festivities such as Christmas, is to wrap them up. Then the recipient doesn’t know what’s inside. The unwrapping is definitely part of the thrill of receiving a gift. The history of gift wrapping Early use of wrapping paper has been traced back to ancient China […]

How plastic pollution is affecting our oceans

Plastic. A plastic bag tangled in marine life

Single-use plastic has been the go-to material for many things in recent years. We’re a society that craves ease of use, simplicity, and low-cost products. But years of this type of consumption have had a negative impact on our environment and the creatures and plants we share it with. Every minute, one million plastic bottles […]

Reusable wipes: No brainer or too much hassle?

Reusable wipes. A wire basket filled with fabric wipes

Wet wipes or single-use non-woven wipes have become the convenient way to clean. We use them to clean our babies, our faces, our kitchens, and a multitude of other things. Hygiene and personal care accounts for 44% of their use across Europe, with only 3% coming from surgical or medical use (source: Friends of the […]