Adoption stories: Contact and life story interview with Hayley

adoption stories

This week’s contact and life story interview is with Hayley. She shares how she and her husband manage contact and the types of things they have started to explore in terms of life story work with their young daughter. Introduce yourself and your family I’m Hayley, my husband Lee and I adopted our daughter when […]

CoramBAAF: An introduction to life story work for adoptive parents

This article is all about adoption life story work. It’s written by Dr John Simmonds, Director of Policy, Research, and Development at CoramBAAF, the leading membership organisation for professionals, foster carers, and adopters. Life story work is a crucial part of an adopted child’s childhood. It helps them understand their birth history and their journey […]

What to include in post box contact

post box contact

In my work life, I’d heard the term post box contact used a lot well before we adopted. In my head, I imagined that in each council office reception area, there was a massive letterbox. Anyone writing a contact letter posted it there and then the council distributed them to the correct people. As far […]

“Delly Duck: Why A Little Chick Couldn’t Stay With His Birth Mother”

Delly Duck

“Delly Duck: Why A Little Chick Couldn’t Stay With His Birth Mother” is a beautifully illustrated children’s story book, explaining big issues like adoption and fostering, in an age appropriate way. The book is written by Holly Marlow and illustrated by Suzy Garland. In this interview, Holly shares what the book is about and how […]

Clothing keepsakes

Clothing keepsakes

Memories are what keep us going when times are tough. Seeing a photo can take us right back to the moment it was taken. We remember exactly how we felt. Clothing can have the same effect. Seeing something we wore on a first date or a special night, brings back all the memories. As parents, […]

Life story work: An update

life story work

Coram wrote this article last week about life story work so I thought it would be a good time to do an update on how we’re doing with it. I’ve written a few articles about our life story journey. The last one was about a year ago which you can read it here. I’ve always been […]