Adoption stories: From adoptee to adoptive parent

Four pebbles balancing on top of each other on a pebbled beach, against a light purple background

Adoption is complicated and every story is unique which is one of the reasons why I started the magazine so that those thinking about it could get a realistic picture of some of the issues. This article is written by Jane Foers who shares her journey from adoptee, to adopter and therapist. She’s a therapeutic […]

Teen Talk Adoption

adopted teens

Life story work and contact with birth family is such an important part of the adoption process. But it’s definitely something where one size doesn’t fit all. How you go about it will depend on so many different factors. Some children haven’t lived with their birth family. Some have but were too young to remember. […]

Adoptee support: Interview with E

Adoptee support. Heart-shaped cloud in a blue sky

One of the reasons I started the magazine was to be able to give a voice to anyone who wanted to share their experience of adoption. I’m very grateful to everyone who has done this. But I’m particularly grateful to all of the adoptees who’ve trusted me to share their experiences. One of the best […]

Tilly’s story

Tilly's story

Today’s article is written by Tilly. She’s an adoptee and shares an extremely honest account of her childhood. As an adoptive mum, I found it difficult to read about the lack of support Tilly had from her parents to help her understand her birth history. It’s vital adopters understand the importance of history and identity […]

Adoption stories: Simon Benn founder of Thriving Adoptees

One of my biggest worries as an adoptive parent, is not being able to support our daughters in the way they need us to, as they understand more about their birth history. A good way of learning about the issues our adopted children may face is to listen to adult adoptees. Something to bear in […]

Adoptee stories: Darcy and Ellie

My Adoption Story

It’s a complete honour to reshare this Q&A with you. It’s with Darcy and Ellie (the names they use in the podcast) who share, in their own words, their views about being adopted. The questions were asked by their mum who you can follow on Instagram. Their wonderful Podcast (which was the girls’ idea) is […]

Book review: In My Own Words by Lillybelle

Front cover of "In my own words"

Anyone who’s been a reader of the magazine for a while will know that I’m a big fan of using books to help our children understand adoption. Lots of the books we’ve read are written by adopters to help their children understand the process. All of these books have been a huge help with life […]

Truth Be Told: Adoption Stories

Truth be Told: Adoption stories. A group of young people sitting talking about adoption

The adoption triangle is made up of birth parents, adoptees and adopters. We’re getting a lot better at listening to the voices of adopters, but there’s still a lot of work to be done around listening to birth parents and adoptees. One of the best ways adopters can learn about some of the issues their […]

Adoptee support: PAC-UK


Our daughters are growing up knowing they’re adopted. Our eldest has known for a few years that she didn’t grow in my tummy. She knows she has two mummies and that she grew in her birth mummy’s tummy and in my heart. My hope for our children is that they grow up understanding and embracing […]

Adoption over the decades: Anthony’s story

The next in the series of adoption stories shared by Coram is Anthony. He is a 21-year-old university student, who grew up in London with his adoptive family. Anthony’s parents had two birth daughters aged 6 and 9 when they adopted him at 20 months, and five years later went on to adopt another son. […]