Adopter stories: Adoption disruption

Satellite image of a storm

I started this magazine to share experiences of adoption and raise awareness of the realities of the process, and parenting children who have experienced early life trauma. The vast majority of readers find the magazine as a result of a Google search when they’re looking for articles about a particular topic. Over 50% of searches […]

Adoption Legal Centre: Adoption disruption

Adoption Legal Centre

Adoption disruption is something that isn’t talked about very often but happens a lot more than we’d like to think. If you’re family’s in crisis, would you know where to go for advice? I’m really grateful to Sarah from Adoption Legal Centre for writing this article to give us a bit of insight into the […]

Tilly’s story

Tilly's story

Today’s article is written by Tilly. She’s an adoptee and shares an extremely honest account of her childhood. As an adoptive mum, I found it difficult to read about the lack of support Tilly had from her parents to help her understand her birth history. It’s vital adopters understand the importance of history and identity […]

Adoption disruption

Adoption disruption isn’t something that’s talked about very much. We didn’t cover it on any of our preparation training or assessments. But it’s something that happens more often that we think. Disruption is where the adoption placement breaks down and a child is placed back into foster care. It can happen early on in a […]

What is adoption disruption in the UK?

What is adoption disruption? A tornado in a stormy sky

Adoption disruption is when a placement breaks down and the child is taken into care again by the local authority. If it’s a permanent disruption, the child doesn’t go back to live with their adopters and will either remain in foster care, or be placed with a new family after a new matching process. Clearly […]

Adoption disruption

Adoption disruption

The second adoption disruption interview is with @now_i_am_mamma and sadly tells a similar story to last week’s article. The lack of openness about the issues faced by the children and their relationship led to problems for this family almost as soon as introductions were over. I’m very grateful to @now_i_am_mamma for sharing their experience. If you’re […]