The Adoption Legal Centre: Legal advice for adopters

Adoption Legal Centre

Adoption disruption continues to bring the most readers to the magazine when they’re looking for articles about it in search engines. So,  I thought it would be useful to hear from an adoption lawyer about the services they can provide to adopters who are facing disruption. Sarah from the Adoption Legal Centre has written this […]

Adoption Legal Centre: Adoption disruption

Adoption Legal Centre

Adoption disruption is something that isn’t talked about very often but happens a lot more than we’d like to think. If you’re family’s in crisis, would you know where to go for advice? I’m really grateful to Sarah from Adoption Legal Centre for writing this article to give us a bit of insight into the […]

What is adoption disruption in the UK?

What is adoption disruption? A tornado in a stormy sky

Adoption disruption is when a placement breaks down and the child is taken into care again by the local authority. If it’s a permanent disruption, the child doesn’t go back to live with their adopters and will either remain in foster care, or be placed with a new family after a new matching process. Clearly […]

Adoption: Court proceedings

The part of the adoption process which adopters often know very little about, is the court proceedings. It’s the last part of the process and signifies the end of local authority involvement once the adoption order is granted. We often hear about delays in the proceedings because birth parents want to be involved, but what […]