Cooking with kids made easy

Cooking with kids

Do you love the idea of cooking with your young kids, but worry about all the mess? Do you feel like you don’t know where to start or how to do it safely? Vicky from Pasta and Play has written this great article with some great tips on where to start. You can find her […]

Homemade chocolates

Valentines Day is the perfect opportunity for me to experiment with new recipes for homemade chocolates. If I gave my husband pretty much any other type of homemade gift, he’d turn his nose up at it. Homemade chocolates are something entirely different though. My husband would eat chocolate for every meal if he could. The […]

Finding a healthy balance

Like a lot of woman, I’ve struggled with my weight throughout most of my adult life. As a teenager and into my early twenties, I was an international gymnast. Fitness and healthy eating were therefore a big part of my life. I trained 5 or 6 times a week so within reason, I could eat […]

Homemade Christmas

The cost of Christmas can easily run away from you. The pressure to get the best of everything for everyone can be a temptation which is very difficult to resist. Interest free buying adds another dimension to the temptation. A few years ago after receiving a ridiculous number of presents, most of which we didn’t […]