Parenting a threenager

According to Urban Dictionary, a threenager is a “three year old child spouting attitude like a teenager”. If you’ve got one, you’ll get how accurate this definition is. Little Miss will be four in January. She’s growing into a lovely, intelligent, happy and well mannered little girl but she’s got a wicked temper on her. […]

Who Hides Here? Footprints in the Garden

Books are such a great way of helping your child learn about new things. We read them not just for stories, but to help little miss when she’s struggling with something. She’s 3 and a half and really loves to play outside and explore. She sometimes gets freaked out though by new things in the […]

Potty training. Part two – the happy ending

So, potty training, for a while, completely defeated us. I have previously written about our struggles and how nothing we tried seemed to work. Then one Friday morning after another 3 dry days at nursery, little miss got up and said she wanted to do a wee. She went into the bathroom, let me get […]

Potty training hell. Just let it go

Parenting isn’t a walk in the park. It has the most amazing highs but some pretty hideous lows. Quite often the lows can feel like a massive dark canyon that you can’t find your way out of. For us, potty training has been one of those canyons. Our daughter is a bright, happy and intelligent 3 year […]

Belle hair

Our daughter was 3 in January and although the terrible 2s didn’t stop instantly, her mega tantrums have subsided a lot, particularly in the last few weeks. What they seem to have been replaced with though is blowing the smallest thing out of proportion as her brain struggles to cope with the fact that she […]