Book review: Word Worries by Tracy King

Book review of Word Worries by Tracy King. Black and white photo of a boy reading a book, sitting on a sofa

I’ve enjoyed reading the new books I’ve been reviewing for Austin Macauley Publishers and “Word Worries” written by Tracy King is no exception. I was gifted a digital copy of the book so that I could review it. It landed in my inbox at exactly the right time as both our girls struggle with their […]

The FizzyKids Podcast

too loud

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Often, we parent the way we were parented ourselves, with the odd tweak here and there. The language we use is probably what we were used to hearing as children. Things like “stop crying” and “calm down” were terms I heard a lot when I was growing up. I […]

Adoption disruption

Adoption disruption isn’t something that’s talked about very much. We didn’t cover it on any of our preparation training or assessments. But it’s something that happens more often that we think. Disruption is where the adoption placement breaks down and a child is placed back into foster care. It can happen early on in a […]