Adoptee stories: Darcy and Ellie

My Adoption Story

It’s a complete honour to reshare this Q&A with you. It’s with Darcy and Ellie (the names they use in the podcast) who share, in their own words, their views about being adopted. The questions were asked by their mum who you can follow on Instagram. Their wonderful Podcast (which was the girls’ idea) is […]

Adoptee support: PAC-UK


Our daughters are growing up knowing they’re adopted. Our eldest has known for a few years that she didn’t grow in my tummy. She knows she has two mummies and that she grew in her birth mummy’s tummy and in my heart. My hope for our children is that they grow up understanding and embracing […]

Teen Talk: Lucky


The last in this series of blogs from Scottish Adoption Teen Ambassadors is written by Chloe. I think lucky is a word that means so many different things to those who’ve experienced adoption. I feel very lucky to have been chosen to be mum to our daughters. Our family are lucky to have our girls in […]

Teen Talk: A study in adoption

A study in adoption

The second blog from Scottish Adoption Teen Ambassador Chloe is called “A Study in Adoption”. It gives food for thought about some of the issues older adopted children have to face in school. Catching up on lost learning and trying to fit into a new school is tough. A Study In Adoption My first problems in […]

Adoptee support: Adoptee talks

adoptee support

A big thank you to adult adoptee Brittany for today’s article. The best way adopters can learn how to support our children understand some of the issues they’ll face as they grow up, is from adult adoptees. Brittany shares some of her experience and that of the adult adoptee community around what they wish had […]

Adoptee stories: Reanna’s adoption experience

Adoptee stories

Happy New Year! I don’t think there’s ever been a year the world has been so happy to see the back of as 2020 was. It’s been challenging in so many ways for so many of us. But it’s also had some lovely moments and given a lot of us precious time with our immediate […]

Q & A with Lauren: Challenges faced growing up

Q & A with Lauren: Issues growing up

In the third in the series of Q & A’s with adoptee Lauren J Sharkey, readers have asked her questions about some of the challenges she faced growing up. I know that Lauren found answering these questions tough so I’m really grateful to her for continuing to be so open and honest. Having conversations about […]

Q & A with Lauren: Documents and information

adoption information and records

In the second Q & A feature with Lauren J Sharkey, the topic is the types of documents and information she has from her adoption. Once again, I’m really grateful to Lauren for being so open and honest with her answers. It really brings home to me the difficult road my children have ahead of […]

Q & A with Lauren : Finding out about your history

rainbow bubble

Over the coming weeks, Lauren J. Sharkey is going to be answering your questions about some of the issues she’s faced as an adoptee. Hopefully, by learning about some of the issues she’s dealt with, adopters can learn more about how to best support our children as they grow up. What age were you when […]

Book review: Inconvenient Daughter by Lauren J Sharkey

book review

This month’s book review is something a bit different. Inconvenient Daughter is a novel written by Lauren J Sharkey about the heartbreak and joy of a young woman searching for her identity. One of the things that have taken a back seat in my life since I became a mum, is reading. I’ve always loved […]