Preparing for adoption introductions

Preparing for introductions

I first published this article when we were preparing to meet our youngest daughter. Adoption introductions are different when you already have a child. Hopefully sharing our experience will help anyone due to meet their second (or third!) child soon. Preparing for adoption introductions: meeting baby sister We’re starting introductions next week with baby sister. […]

An introduction to adoption introductions

adoption introductions

Adoption introductions, as the name suggests, is the process that introduces children to their new family. The mechanics of it will differ depending on the age of your child, their needs, and whether they are within your authority or not. This article is to give an idea of how they work. When introductions start depends […]

Adoption stories: Interview with foster carer Kelly

father and child

This interview is with Kelly who’s been a foster carer for over 14 years.  I’m really pleased Kelly has taken the time to do the answer my questions as it gives us a fantastic insight into introductions from a foster care perspective. How many children have you fostered and how many have you moved on […]

Meeting baby sister

My goodness what a few weeks it’s been. Baby sister has been home for 6 weeks and it’s been a rollercoaster ride so far. We’ve known about her since the spring. However, we only went to panel in the middle of September so until then, I don’t think I really believed it was going to […]