Adoption stories: Contact and life story interview with birth mum Sammy

interview with birth mum Sammy

This week’s interview about contact and life story work is with birth mum Sammy. I’m really grateful she’s agreed to give us an insight into things from her perspective. It’s so important that adopters understand the importance of contact for birth families. It’s sometimes the case that they don’t feel able to reply to our […]

Creating a life storybook: Storydo

Creating a life storybook. Child looking at a book

Having an accurate and age-appropriate life storybook is really important to help our children understand their birth history. The standard of life storybooks provided by local authorities varies massively. Some are brilliant. Some are completely inadequate. We’ve been really lucky because both of our girl’s books are brilliant. They contain a fair amount of detail […]

Something borrowed

The adoption process

I first published this piece back in January 2018. I think one of the hardest things about becoming a parent through adoption, is the fact that placement day means you’ve gone from nought to a child in a relatively short period of time. Although the matching process can take some time, once you are matched, […]

Teen Talk: Lucky


The last in this series of blogs from Scottish Adoption Teen Ambassadors is written by Chloe. I think lucky is a word that means so many different things to those who’ve experienced adoption. I feel very lucky to have been chosen to be mum to our daughters. Our family are lucky to have our girls in […]

Contact with siblings


Contact with their birth family, usually via yearly written updates, is extremely important for an adopted child. It helps them understand their identity. And to build a bond with their birth family which lays a foundation to build on when they’re older. During our preparation course, we spent a lot of time learning about contact […]

Life story work update

life story book

I’ve written a few posts over the last few years about life story work with our daughters. It’s still the thing that worries me most about parenting our children. What if we get it wrong? What if we say the wrong thing? Once words are said, you can’t take them back. Clearly, I’m putting myself […]

Q & A with Lauren: Challenges faced growing up

Q & A with Lauren: Issues growing up

In the third in the series of Q & A’s with adoptee Lauren J Sharkey, readers have asked her questions about some of the challenges she faced growing up. I know that Lauren found answering these questions tough so I’m really grateful to her for continuing to be so open and honest. Having conversations about […]

Q & A with Lauren: Documents and information

adoption information and records

In the second Q & A feature with Lauren J Sharkey, the topic is the types of documents and information she has from her adoption. Once again, I’m really grateful to Lauren for being so open and honest with her answers. It really brings home to me the difficult road my children have ahead of […]

Q & A with Lauren : Finding out about your history

rainbow bubble

Over the coming weeks, Lauren J. Sharkey is going to be answering your questions about some of the issues she’s faced as an adoptee. Hopefully, by learning about some of the issues she’s dealt with, adopters can learn more about how to best support our children as they grow up. What age were you when […]

Adoption stories: Contact and life story interview with Suzy

life story

This week I’m sharing our experience of contact and life story work. I’ve written a few articles over the last few years about our life story journey which you can read here. Introduce yourself and your family  I’m Suzy. I live with my husband and our two daughters who are full birth siblings. How often […]