Adopting sibling groups in the UK

Adopting sibling groups. Girl and boy with their backs to the camera holding hands

Do you have a brother or sister? I have a sister and I can’t imagine my life without her. There are currently 2,030 children waiting to be adopted in England and 890 of those are in a family group. 520 children who are part of a sibling group have been waiting for 18 months or […]

The adoption process: Statutory reviews

Statutory reviews. Two people having a meeting, sitting on chairs in front of a window

Once your child is home, it isn’t the case that you close the door and never hear from social services again. There are a number of statutory reviews and visits that take place by various professionals to make sure everything is ok and that you have all of the support you need. These visits can […]

Creating a bedroom for a child you haven’t met

Creating a child's bedroom. Rainbow blocks on a shelf

One of the exciting parts about preparing to become a parent is creating your child’s bedroom. But when you’re becoming a parent via adoption, creating a bedroom for your child isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. How personalised you make the room will depend on what stage you’re creating it. Some adopters start on their […]

Coram: Adoption activity days

Adoption activity days

When adopters are going through the matching process, they read the profile of potential matches and sometimes see a photograph. Usually, meeting the child in person doesn’t happen until the start of introductions. However, adoption activity days are being used more and more by some agencies which allow adopters to meet children waiting to be […]

Adoption stories: Matching interview with Matt and Will

adopting brothers

This adoption matching interview with Matt and Will was first published in May 2020. In it, they share how they found out about their two boys. Introduce yourself and your family We are Matt and Will. Matt is an assistant headteacher in a large primary school and Will works as an operations manager in the […]

Adoption stories: Matching interview with S

matching interview

In this matching interview, S shares her experience of finding out about her daughter and having a virtual matching panel during the Covid restrictions. You can follow her journey on Instagram Introduce yourself and your family I’m S, a single mum to my daughter aka Rugrat. She came home in 2020. At what point in […]

How are adopters matched to a child?

matching pieces

How we were matched Of all the parts of the adoption process, matching worried me the most. I couldn’t get my head round how our social worker would be able to pick a child that fitted our family. How could she?  She’s wasn’t us. She’d spent a fair bit of time with us. But how […]

Adoption stories: Matching interview – Finding out about our son

This interview is with a couple who share their experience of matching and how they found out about their son. They explain how hard it is to say no to a profile, and that sometimes your gut feeling is the right one. Introduce yourself and your family We’re a couple in our 40’s, parents to […]

Adoption stories: Matching interview with Suzy

baby booties

We only went through the matching process with our eldest daughter as our local authority approached us about our youngest. I found that part of the process very difficult so I thought it would be good to share our experience of matching here. Introduce yourself and your family. I’m Suzy and live with my husband […]

Adoption stories: Matching interview


This week’s interview continues the matching series. Here the family share how matching worked for them and how they found out about their daughter. Introduce yourself and your family We are a married dual heritage family with a birth child who was four when we were matched. At what stage in the process did matching […]