Mindfulness for parents


Taking time to catch our breath and notice how we’re feeling is such a powerful tool to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious. This mindfulness article was first shared in October 2020 when we were very much in the thick of Covid. In it, mindful teacher Amy Polly shares some pearls of wisdom about […]

Mental health: Post-Adoption Depression

Adoptee stories

I hadn’t heard of post-adoption depression until after our youngest child came home. We didn’t learn about it during any of the assessment process for our eldest. The assessment for our youngest was extremely stressful and didn’t look at anything other than getting the boxes ticked so that we could be approved to bring her […]

Book review: A Toolkit for Modern Life

Cover of Toolkit for Modern Life

I think a review of A Toolkit for Modern Life: 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind written by Dr. Emma Hepburn, is a fitting way to round off 2020 in the magazine. It’s been a year like no other, and hopefully, one that won’t be repeated any time soon. We’ve had to come to […]

Stop the rollercoaster, I want to get off.

self care

I’m going to start this by saying that I appreciate how lucky I am. I am mum to two beautiful sisters. So far, they are growing and developing as they should. They’re settled and thriving and have a bond so strong that melts my heart. But being their mum is sometimes hard. Our eldest came […]