Parenting children with attachment difficulties: Interview with Melissa

This interview with Melissa was first published in November 2019. She is a mum of two children affected by attachment disorder. In the interview, she shares what that means for her and her family, and how she uses some of the techniques detailed here by Dr Mason, on a daily basis. You can follow Melissa’s […]

The FizzyKids Podcast

too loud

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Often, we parent the way we were parented ourselves, with the odd tweak here and there. The language we use is probably what we were used to hearing as children. Things like “stop crying” and “calm down” were terms I heard a lot when I was growing up. I […]

Book Review: The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting by Sarah Naish

A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting Book review

This month’s book review is of “The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting”, written by Sarah Naish. It’s one of many books she’s written for parents and children to help them manage behaviour and feelings. Sarah is an adoptive parent and director Inspire Training Group which delivers training on attachment issues. She’s also founder of the National […]

Managing school year transitions (Part 2)

Managing school transitions

Moving towards the end of the summer holidays and the start of the new school year can be a challenging time for children who’ve experienced early life trauma. Change is often a trigger for deterioration in behaviours and a rise in anxiety and worry. In this second article (you can read her first article here) […]

Book review: First Steps in Parenting the Child who Hurts

First STeps in Parenting the Child who Hurts

This month’s book review is written by @mollymamaadopt. Molly’s an avid reader and wrote this review at the start of her family’s adoption journey. Her review is of “First Steps in Parenting the Child who Hurts: Tiddlers and Toddlers” written by Caroline Archer. First Steps in Parenting the Child Who Hurts: Tiddlers and Toddlers written […]



A big thank you to @mollymamaadopt for this article all about how her family have been using Theraplay to help build their attachment to their new son. If you’ve not come across it before, “Theraplay is a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. It is based […]

Five tips to help manage separation anxiety for school-aged children

Separation anxiety

Most children experience separation anxiety at some time during their childhood. I’m sure we can all remember a time when we felt nervous about leaving our parents or caregivers when we were going somewhere new. Hopefully, it was a short-lived experience that lifted once the new experience became familiar. For adopted children, separation anxiety often […]

Book review: The Unofficial Guide to Adoptive Parenting by Sally Donovan

The Unofficial Guide to Adoptive Parenting

This month’s book review is written by @mummyb2020 about “The Unofficial Guide to Adoptive Parenting: The Small Stuff, The Big Stuff and the Stuff In Between” by Sally Donovon. Sally’s an adoptive mum and has written several books about parenting adopted children and helping them understand their feelings. The book gives an insight into the […]

Attachment and developmental trauma: How using therapeutic parenting can help

developmental trauma

Attachment and development trauma is common in adopted children due to their early life experiences. This article written by Dr Kate Mason (BSc. Hons, DClinPsy), a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, sheds some light on what causes attachment issues and how parents and carers can provide support. Dr Mason is based in the Midlands and together with […]

Adoption resources: Change your language

Parenting language

Getting the right support for our children is key if we want them to thrive and reach for the stars. But accessing the right support for adopted children is often a difficult and lengthy process. To help us all find the support we need, I’m going to publish some articles which highlight resources available for […]