Over the last almost three years, I’ve been honoured to be able to share so many adoption stories with you. When we were thinking about adoption, I wanted to know what the process was really like. But I struggled to find anything written by people who’d been through it.
So I’m very grateful to all of those who’ve shared their experiences so far. I’ve added some of them in this round-up. If you’d like to share your adoption experience to help others learn about the realities of adoption, please get in touch.
Interview with Emma Sutton
Emma shares her experience of becoming mum to siblings. Click here to read all about it.
Interview with Aimee
Aimee did two interviews. The first is about their adoption journey which you can read here. The second is about fostering to adopt which you can read here.
Interview with me
I share our journey to meeting our eldest daughter which you can read here.

Interview with Jessica
Jessica shares her experience of becoming a mum to her daughter who has dystonia and global developmental delay. You can read her interview here.
Interview with Christina
Christina shares her journey to meeting her daughter who has a number of complex needs and disabilities. Click here to find out more.
Hannah’s story
Hannah shares her two very different experiences of concurrency or fostering to adopt. Click here to read her article.
Sarah’s story
Sarah shares what it’s like to adopt siblings as a single adopter. Click here to read her story.
A single adopter shares her experience of the adoption process. You can read her interview here.