Cygnet Law: Supporting your adoption journey

Adult and child standing with their backs to the camera against a cloudy sunset sky representing Cygnet Law supporting families

This is a sponsored post. Adoption reshapes lives by legally transferring the rights, responsibilities, and relationships of a child to new parents. At Cygnet Law, we are proud to have a team of specialist adoption and family law solicitors who handle the adoption process with expertise, ensuring the child is treated as if born to […]

Adopting a child with additional needs

A young girl playing in a sensory room with an adult raising awareness about adopting a child with additional needs

The most recent statistics show that there were over 2000 children waiting to be adopted in 2022/23. Of those, many have additional needs. The sad truth is that having additional needs often means they wait, on average, 11 months longer in care than their peers. To address this concerning statistic, voluntary adoption agencies VAAs) across […]

Thrive Coaching: Empowering Adoptive and Foster Parents to Thrive

Thrive coaching. An orange life raft against a white wall

This article is written by Kate Brindley, a dedicated thrive coach. Becoming an adoptive or foster parent is a deeply rewarding journey, but it’s also one filled with challenges and uncertainties. From navigating the complexities of trauma to adjusting to the demands of parenthood, it’s easy for parents to feel overwhelmed and isolated. In the […]

Book review: “Our Beautiful Chaos” written by Rachael Leanne

Our beautiful chaos. A typewriter with a piece of paper in it with the word "review" typed on it.

When we started to consider adoption, I scoured the internet for stories from adopters sharing their experiences. I wanted to know what the assessment was really like. And how it feels when you meet your child for the first time. And what happens in the early days of placement. As well as eleventy billion other […]

Eight adoption books for parents-to-be

Adoption books

When we started our adoption journey, I wanted to find out what the process was really like from people who’d been through it. I struggled to find many books or articles written by adopters about their experiences. Thankfully, there are a lot more books on the market now, written by adopters, sharing their experience of […]

Tilly’s story

Tilly's story

Today’s article is written by Tilly. She’s an adoptee and shares an extremely honest account of her childhood. As an adoptive mum, I found it difficult to read about the lack of support Tilly had from her parents to help her understand her birth history. It’s vital adopters understand the importance of history and identity […]

Adopting sibling groups in the UK

Adopting sibling groups. Girl and boy with their backs to the camera holding hands

Do you have a brother or sister? I have a sister and I can’t imagine my life without her. There are currently 2,030 children waiting to be adopted in England and 890 of those are in a family group. 520 children who are part of a sibling group have been waiting for 18 months or […]

Watch your language

Adoption language. Lots of words

The words and language we use when we speak to someone can affect how that person feels about you and themselves. Using the wrong language when you’re talking about a sensitive subject like adoption can cause unintentional hurt and upset. There’s two main types of situation where language is important in adoption. Firstly, the language […]

8 Tips for enjoying life as adoptive parents

This is a collaborative post. Becoming adoptive parents is one of the most rewarding things a couple can do. It can also be quite challenging, especially in the early days. Here are eight tips to help you enjoy life as adoptive parents and make the experience as positive as possible for everyone involved. Photo by […]

Adoption support: Games to Help You Connect

Beacon Family Services

I wrote this article reviewing “Games to help you connect” resource cards at the beginning of 2021. Lockdowns and restrictions were still happening which were having a huge impact on our wellbeing. We’re now coming to the end of 2022, a year that has still had the cloud of Covid-19 hanging over it, but for […]