Adoption stories: Adopting siblings as a single adopter

adopting siblings

Do you have what it takes to adopt a sibling group? Almost half the children currently waiting to be placed for adoption are siblings. Today’s article is written by Sarah @2starfishsolo who shares her experience of adopting siblings on her own. Thank you Sarah for sharing your journey. Adopting siblings: My adoption journey Firstly, let […]

Massage to help build attachment with children

Massage to help create attachment with children. An adult hand cradling a baby's foot

Having a massage is something a lot of parents use as a means of relaxing, switching off from their day, and getting some self-care. Some of the benefits of a massage include Touch and massage can also have benefits for kids and are effective ways of building attachment, particularly with children who have experienced developmental […]

The best toddler carriers for attachment

best toddler carriers

Baby and toddler carriers are a great way for all parents to develop a bond with their child. But for children who were removed from their birth family at an early age, they’re a brilliant way to help build trust with their new carers. James Prescott stated that “the single most important child rearing practice […]

Preparing for adoption introductions

Preparing for introductions

I first published this article when we were preparing to meet our youngest daughter. Adoption introductions are different when you already have a child. Hopefully sharing our experience will help anyone due to meet their second (or third!) child soon. Preparing for adoption introductions: meeting baby sister We’re starting introductions next week with baby sister. […]

Older or younger? What aged child are you going to adopt?

One of the hardest parts of the adoption assessment is deciding the age-range of child or sibling group you want to be approved for. We found this really difficult not least because we had very different views at the start as to what age we’d be the best parents for. It sounds very cold and […]

Balloon games to help you connect

Balloon games to help you connect. Children playing a balloon game

Kids love to play and it’s a great way for them to learn too, without them realising that’s what they’re doing. Getting to know your child and what they like, don’t like and everything in between can be tough for an adoptive parent. Our children come to us with their own personalities, routines, trauma and […]

Complex Connexions CIC

Complex Connexions

Connecting with your child can, at times, be difficult, particularly if they’ve experienced early life trauma, or have ADHD or autism. This article is written by Shelley Farnham, founder of Complex Connexions which she set up “To enable parents of young people, who experience emotional and behavioural challenges, to understand and communicate with them in […]

Therapy Choices for your child: Voyage of Hope Therapy Services

therapy choices for your child

“Hello! I’m Louise and I’m a Play Therapist.” Recently when I introduced myself like this, a child in a training room visibly shuddered. That is a very rare response and absolutely not what we want. But it’s also true that children will have different responses to the word therapy, especially those with any experience of […]



A big thank you to @mollymamaadopt for this article all about how her family have been using Theraplay to help build their attachment to their new son. If you’ve not come across it before, “Theraplay is a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. It is based […]

Happity Parenting Platform

Happity parenting platform

The cost of living crisis in the UK is on the minds of most parents. The impact it’s having on family budgets often means we cut back on things non-essential such as clubs, day trips, and meals out. But going to things like toddler clubs, are such an important part of life for many new […]