Adoption introductions: Tips and advice from adopters

holding hands

Meeting your child for the first time is an exciting, mind blowing experience. You’ve prepared their room. Bought clothes, toys and books in abundance. You’ve probably spent a lot of hours in their room wondering what it’s going to be like. Is it really going to happen? Are you actually going to become a parent? […]

Adoption stories: Introductions interview with Suzy


Meeting your child for the first time during adoption introductions is a whole mix of emotions. Logistically, it can be hard working out things like meals (for you and your child) clothing, where to go and how you’ll get there. If you’ve already got a child, it gets even more complicated. Planning is definitely the […]

Adoption stories: Introductions interview with Laura

introductions photo

This adoption introductions interview is with Laura who shares her experience of meeting her son. How old was your child when you met him? C was 10 months old. What did you do to prepare for meeting him? So, I did several things. I made a picture book with very basic text including pictures of our […]

Adoption stories: Introductions interview with Rosie


This interview with Rosie was first published in January 2020. She’s mum to four children and shares her experience of how her family met their children in four sets of introductions. How old were your children when you met them? We have four adopted children aged eight, five, three and nearly a two year old. […]

Adoption introductions: Interview with Kate

holding hands

This week’s interview is with ‘Kate’ who tells us all about her experience of adoption introductions when she met her little one. You can follow her on Instagram. How old were your child(ren) when you met them? Just under a year old when we met. What did you do to prepare for meeting them? We […]

An introduction to adoption introductions

adoption introductions

Adoption introductions, as the name suggests, is the process that introduces children to their new family. The mechanics of it will differ depending on the age of your child, their needs, and whether they are within your authority or not. This article is to give an idea of how they work. When introductions start depends […]

Adoption stories: Interview with foster carer Kelly

father and child

This interview is with Kelly who’s been a foster carer for over 14 years.  I’m really pleased Kelly has taken the time to do the answer my questions as it gives us a fantastic insight into introductions from a foster care perspective. How many children have you fostered and how many have you moved on […]