Adoption stories: From adoptee to adoptive parent

Four pebbles balancing on top of each other on a pebbled beach, against a light purple background

Adoption is complicated and every story is unique which is one of the reasons why I started the magazine so that those thinking about it could get a realistic picture of some of the issues. This article is written by Jane Foers who shares her journey from adoptee, to adopter and therapist. She’s a therapeutic […]

Adopting a child with additional needs

A young girl playing in a sensory room with an adult raising awareness about adopting a child with additional needs

The most recent statistics show that there were over 2000 children waiting to be adopted in 2022/23. Of those, many have additional needs. The sad truth is that having additional needs often means they wait, on average, 11 months longer in care than their peers. To address this concerning statistic, voluntary adoption agencies VAAs) across […]

Adoption stories: Adopting siblings as a single adopter

adopting siblings

Do you have what it takes to adopt a sibling group? Almost half the children currently waiting to be placed for adoption are siblings. Today’s article is written by Sarah @2starfishsolo who shares her experience of adopting siblings on her own. Thank you Sarah for sharing your journey. Adopting siblings: My adoption journey Firstly, let […]

Adoption stories: Adopting siblings

Adopting siblings

Today’s article is written by Sarah, sharing her experience of adopting siblings. She describes a bit about her journey to becoming a parent as well as giving some tips about coping with the early days. You can follow Sarah on Instagram. Our story When we first started our adoption adventure, we were very lucky to […]

Post-adoption support : Christina’s experience

Post adoption support

Post-adoption support is exactly what the name suggests. It’s help and support which is provided to adopted children and their family after an adoption order has been granted. As with all things to do with adoption, the available support, waiting times, and ease of accessing help varies depending on where you live, and your agency. […]

Adoption stories: Contact and life story interview with Hayley

adoption stories

This week’s contact and life story interview is with Hayley. She shares how she and her husband manage contact and the types of things they have started to explore in terms of life story work with their young daughter. Introduce yourself and your family I’m Hayley, my husband Lee and I adopted our daughter when […]

Eight adoption books for parents-to-be

Adoption books

When we started our adoption journey, I wanted to find out what the process was really like from people who’d been through it. I struggled to find many books or articles written by adopters about their experiences. Thankfully, there are a lot more books on the market now, written by adopters, sharing their experience of […]

Adoption stories: Simon Benn founder of Thriving Adoptees

One of my biggest worries as an adoptive parent, is not being able to support our daughters in the way they need us to, as they understand more about their birth history. A good way of learning about the issues our adopted children may face is to listen to adult adoptees. Something to bear in […]

Adoptee stories: Darcy and Ellie

My Adoption Story

It’s a complete honour to reshare this Q&A with you. It’s with Darcy and Ellie (the names they use in the podcast) who share, in their own words, their views about being adopted. The questions were asked by their mum who you can follow on Instagram. Their wonderful Podcast (which was the girls’ idea) is […]

Adopting sibling groups in the UK

Adopting sibling groups. Girl and boy with their backs to the camera holding hands

Do you have a brother or sister? I have a sister and I can’t imagine my life without her. There are currently 2,030 children waiting to be adopted in England and 890 of those are in a family group. 520 children who are part of a sibling group have been waiting for 18 months or […]