Book review: Who Hides Here? Footprints at the Seaside

Footprints at the Seaside

Over the last few years, our eldest daughter and I have loved reviewing the “Who Hides Here” series of books written by Rachel Coverdale. They’re lovely picture books which are beautifully illustrated by Shelly Oyston. The books are designed to help children take note of the footprints animals leave in the world around us. They […]

Seven Adoption books for kids

Seven adoption books for kids

When we started our adoption journey, there weren’t many children’s books about that explained the process. The ones I did find were American and obviously the system is very different there. I’ve been delighted to see that over the last few years, there’s been a number of great adoption books written by adoptive parents as […]

Book Review: Billy Moffle’s Straight Lines

Billy Moffle's Straight Lines

There’s a lot of children’s adoption books on the market which explain the process. They use engaging characters to explain to young children why it sometimes isn’t safe them to stay with their birth parents. And explain the role of adults like social workers and foster families. Finding a book that explains to young children […]

Book review: Eddy Finds a Family written by Sarah McGeough

Adoption stories

I love doing reviews of new adoption books. There’s so many more books available now than when we started our journey. Many are written by adoptive parents who are putting pen to paper to create a resource to help their children understand adoption. I was really excited when Sarah McGeough got in touch to introduce […]

Book review: “So You’ve Adopted a Sibling” written by Holly Marlow

So You've Adopted a Sibling

However it happens, becoming a big brother or sister is a massive change for a child. Moving from having their parent’s undivided attention to having to share them with another child can be hard. This can be even harder when the younger sibling comes into the family via adoption. They arrive having already lived somewhere […]

Book review: Adopting a Little Brother or Sister

Adopting a Little Brother or Sister front cover

However your family is created, adding to it with a new sibling brings a mixture of emotions for the whole family. But particularly for your children. When we decided we wanted to be assessed for our youngest daughter, I couldn’t find any books that would help our eldest understand what becoming a big sister meant, […]

“Delly Duck: Why A Little Chick Couldn’t Stay With His Birth Mother”

Delly Duck

“Delly Duck: Why A Little Chick Couldn’t Stay With His Birth Mother” is a beautifully illustrated children’s story book, explaining big issues like adoption and fostering, in an age appropriate way. The book is written by Holly Marlow and illustrated by Suzy Garland. In this interview, Holly shares what the book is about and how […]

Book review: Erin and Roderick Discover Families

This month’s book review is about “Erin & Roderick Discover Families” written by Fliss Goldsmith and illustrated by Ian R. Ward. It’s a wonderful children’s picture book showing children that families come in all different shapes and sizes. You can find out here why Fliss felt compelled to write the book and her plans for […]

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

This month’s book review is all about “Erin and Roderick Discover Families” written by Fliss Goldsmith. The review will go live on Friday, but I thought it would be good to ask the author to share with us what prompted her to write the book. So here’s Fliss telling us all about her motivation for […]

Book review: Tippy Moffle’s Mirror by Mikenda Plant

Tippy Moffle's Mirror

Life feels hard for a lot of us at the moment. Kids being at home with a very different weekday routine than they’re used to is tough. Eldest is really struggling with her emotions. And I’m struggling to work out the best way of helping her understand why she’s feeling the way she is. When […]