Book review: Katie Pickle and the Monsters Under The Bed by Sarah L Jones

Katie Pickle and the Monster Under the Bed. Image of a young boy sitting on grass reading book.

Nightmares are something most kids experience at some time or another. They are afraid of sleeping in the dark and their imaginations get the better of them, filling them with fear about what is hiding under their beds and in the dark corners of their rooms. Both of our girls preferred sleeping in pitch dark […]

Book review: Word Worries by Tracy King

Book review of Word Worries by Tracy King. Black and white photo of a boy reading a book, sitting on a sofa

I’ve enjoyed reading the new books I’ve been reviewing for Austin Macauley Publishers and “Word Worries” written by Tracy King is no exception. I was gifted a digital copy of the book so that I could review it. It landed in my inbox at exactly the right time as both our girls struggle with their […]

Book review: “Always There For You” by Lalitha Yenna

Always There For You children's book. Piles of children's books stored in brightly coloured boxes

Separation anxiety is something that affects a lot of children. It’s something that many adopted children experience often as a result of the number of moves they’ve had in their early lives which can lead to attachment difficulties and separation anxiety. Every child deals with it in different ways. Some express their anxiety openly by […]

Book review: Use Your W.I.T.S. written by Norgenta Lata

Front cover of "Use Your W.I.T.S."

Research suggests that as many as 1 in 20 children in the UK have been sexually abused. Sexual abuse is one of the reasons why children are sometimes unable to live with their birth family and require adoption. That may be because they’ve been exposed to abuse themselves, or because there is a risk of […]

Book review: How Muzn Found Her Voice

How Muzn Found Her Voice - the front cover of the book

Books are a great way to help young children understand life and some of the challenges they may face as they grow up. One book I think is really good at this is “How Muzn Found Her Voice” written by Fatma Al Manji and Rumaitha Al-Busaidi. I was kindly gifted an electronic copy of the […]

Book review: “Our Beautiful Chaos” written by Rachael Leanne

Our beautiful chaos. A typewriter with a piece of paper in it with the word "review" typed on it.

When we started to consider adoption, I scoured the internet for stories from adopters sharing their experiences. I wanted to know what the assessment was really like. And how it feels when you meet your child for the first time. And what happens in the early days of placement. As well as eleventy billion other […]

Book review: The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

The Invisible String. Pile of childrens' books

I came across “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst by chance and I’m very glad that I did. It was recommended by someone I follow on Instagram. It’s a story about love and being connected to people even when you can’t see them. Our eldest has always struggled with separation anxiety so I was hoping […]

An Adopter’s Guide to Adoption

An Adopter's guide to adoption

When my husband and I first started to think about adoption, I scoured the internet for blogs or books written by adopters about their experiences. I wanted to know what the process was really like. How does the assessment work? What kinds of things can be an issue? What happens on the preparation course? How […]

Book Review: The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting by Sarah Naish

A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting Book review

This month’s book review is of “The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting”, written by Sarah Naish. It’s one of many books she’s written for parents and children to help them manage behaviour and feelings. Sarah is an adoptive parent and director Inspire Training Group which delivers training on attachment issues. She’s also founder of the National […]