Recognising the signs of perimenopause

How to spot the signs of menopause. Stones balanced on a fence post

Perimenopause isn’t something I knew anything about until I was in the thick of it. I was almost 50 and had just walked away from my career of over 20 years as I didn’t think I knew how to do my job anymore. I’d been off for a while following my mum having a stroke. […]

How journalling can help your mental health: Happybyme

For the vast majority of us, the last few years have seen our mental health take a huge battering. Covid and everything that came with it changed our lives in ways I don’t think any of us could’ve imagined. I can still remember the sheer panic I felt when the first lockdown was announced. I […]

Five books perfect for those taking up running

This is a collaborative post. There are many reasons why we take up running. For some of us, it’s the alone time; a chance to relax and reflect on the day. For others, it’s to get fit, while many of us also use it to combat the likes of addiction. Running is often prescribed by […]

Four ways to work out at your desk

Working from home has so many benefits for a lot of us. But one of the things I’ve noticed since I left paid employment and started to work for myself full-time is that I struggle to fit in exercise. Being able to fit in exercise is something I thought would be so much easier when […]

Why You Need to Eat More Seafood

Why we need to eat more seafood

This is a collaborative post. We all know that seafood is good for our health, but it’s often hard to figure out exactly why. Some people absolutely love the idea of trying new foods, but when it comes to seafood there’s always people who hesitate first.  It’s not that they particularly don’t like the taste […]

Why we all need a mental health first-aid kit

mental health first aid kit

Do you have a mental health first-aid kit? If you don’t, do you know what one is? Most of us have some kind of first-aid kit for our physical health, even if it’s just a couple of past-their-best plasters and a packet of paracetamol. What about a kit you can dip into when your mental […]

Book review: A Toolkit for Modern Life

Cover of Toolkit for Modern Life

I think a review of A Toolkit for Modern Life: 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind written by Dr. Emma Hepburn, is a fitting way to round off 2020 in the magazine. It’s been a year like no other, and hopefully, one that won’t be repeated any time soon. We’ve had to come to […]

Chetham Farm Retreat

Worsely family

Today’s article is written by Mandy Worsely, an adoptive mum to two children. Mandy tells us about her journey to becoming a mum and how her family have created Chetham Farm Retreat. It’s a beautiful retreat and holistic hub in  the stunning Lancashire countryside. Her vision is to be able to offer therapeutic support for […]

Finding a simple exercise solution

Trying to find a healthy balance has been my aim this year. I wrote at the start of the year about how I wanted to get off the dieting / weight loss followed by weight gain yo yo. A healthy, happy middle ground is what I was looking for. I was adamant I wasn’t going […]

Bring on the spring

I wrote a few months ago about my aspirations of finding a healthy balance in my life. When I wrote the post I was full of hope and enthusiasm. It felt like spring was just around the corner which made it a perfect time to start. Unfortunately, spring wasn’t quite as close as I’d hoped. […]