Attachment focused family therapy

Attachment is something a lot of adopted children struggle with. Learning to trust their caregivers is hard for children when they’ve been let down so badly in the past. Attachment-focused family therapy is something that can help children learn to trust their caregivers. Today’s article is written by Mikenda Plant who is a family therapist, […]

Tips for date night without leaving the house

Date night. A plate of snacks, a lantern and log fire

This is a collaborative post. When you’re a parent and you’re in a relationship, it can be easy to get out of the habit of going out with just your other half. When you’re an adoptive parent, it can be even harder. Separation anxiety and a whole host of other things can make leaving our […]

Preparing for adoption introductions

Preparing for introductions

I first published this article when we were preparing to meet our youngest daughter. Adoption introductions are different when you already have a child. Hopefully sharing our experience will help anyone due to meet their second (or third!) child soon. Preparing for adoption introductions: meeting baby sister We’re starting introductions next week with baby sister. […]

The adoption process: Statutory reviews

Statutory reviews. Two people having a meeting, sitting on chairs in front of a window

Once your child is home, it isn’t the case that you close the door and never hear from social services again. There are a number of statutory reviews and visits that take place by various professionals to make sure everything is ok and that you have all of the support you need. These visits can […]

Book review: Self-Care for Busy Mums

Self-care for Busy Mums. Front cover of the book

There’s no getting away from the fact that being a parent can be tough. It’s full of wonderful bits too. But it’s also challenging and draining. Particularly if you’re a parent to a child who has experienced early life trauma. As parents, we have a tendency to put everyone else before ourselves. When you get […]

Post-adoption depression

Mind reports that 1 in 4 people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year. Around 3 in every 100 people suffer from depression. Despite the large number of people that are affected by it, mental health still seems to be something of a taboo. The traditional British approach is to keep calm […]

Help Your Child Achieve the Education They Deserve

Children in school: Help your child achieve the education they deserve

This is a collaborative post. When you are trying to help you improve your child’s education, there are a lot of ways you can go about achieving this. Now, this is something that you need to focus on as much as possible, and there are a lot of ideas that you can use to help […]

Five tips to help manage separation anxiety for school-aged children

Separation anxiety

Most children experience separation anxiety at some time during their childhood. I’m sure we can all remember a time when we felt nervous about leaving our parents or caregivers when we were going somewhere new. Hopefully, it was a short-lived experience that lifted once the new experience became familiar. For adopted children, separation anxiety often […]

Book review: Adopting a Little Brother or Sister

Adopting a Little Brother or Sister front cover

However your family is created, adding to it with a new sibling brings a mixture of emotions for the whole family. But particularly for your children. When we decided we wanted to be assessed for our youngest daughter, I couldn’t find any books that would help our eldest understand what becoming a big sister meant, […]

It’s just a car seat

First published July 2017 It’s funny how we attach so many memories to objects or clothing. We’ve recently bought little miss a new car seat. We got a new one partly because she had just about grown out of her old one. However, the main reason was the old one absolutely stank. She’d had a […]