I’m a geriatric mum. What’s your superpower?

Geriatric can be an adjective or a noun. Its use is usually for referring to the health care of old people. It can also carry overtones of something being decrepit and worn out. According to Oxford dictionaries, it can be offensive to use geriatric in this context if it’s used in reference to people. Bearing […]

Am I really a child trafficker?

When we started on our adoption journey, I didn’t think about how I’d feel about birth families. We didn’t get the chance to meet our children’s birth mum. She went off grid not long after little Miss was born and she’s done the same thing this time. We do yearly letterbox contact but unfortunately, she […]

New Year, no resolutions

Christmas star

The start of a New Year feels like a blank canvas. Even though it’s just another day, it feels like everything changes. The end of one year and the start of another. The chance to draw a line under things that didn’t go quite so well last year and move on. I’ve been doing a […]

Meeting baby sister

My goodness what a few weeks it’s been. Baby sister has been home for 6 weeks and it’s been a rollercoaster ride so far. We’ve known about her since the spring. However, we only went to panel in the middle of September so until then, I don’t think I really believed it was going to […]

Playing out

The adoption process

When I was a child, playing out was a big part of my life. I played out with my friends in the streets around our house. My sister and I had boundaries and a curfew but we were left to our own devices. We explored, made dens, cut up worms and generally had fun. Unfortunately, […]

No going back

I guess it’s always difficult to know when it’s the right time to tell your child they’re going to have a sibling. As a parent you want to protect them from as much heartache as possible. Until the new baby is safely in your arms, there’s always a chance something will go wrong. Telling your […]

Finding a simple exercise solution

Trying to find a healthy balance has been my aim this year. I wrote at the start of the year about how I wanted to get off the dieting / weight loss followed by weight gain yo yo. A healthy, happy middle ground is what I was looking for. I was adamant I wasn’t going […]

Back on the rollercoaster

I wrote a few months ago about our dilemma at being asked if we wanted to be considered as adopters for our daughter’s sibling. We really struggled knowing what the best thing is for our little family. After a lot of thought (and wine) we’ve decided that it’s the right time and the best thing […]

Adoption cards and gifts

We Made a Wish was born because I struggled to find appropriate cards and gifts for our daughter’s foster carer. I’m not a particularly artistic person, but my mum and sister are. So, with some advice from them I started to play and We Made a Wish was born. It started out as just adoption […]

Bring on the spring

I wrote a few months ago about my aspirations of finding a healthy balance in my life. When I wrote the post I was full of hope and enthusiasm. It felt like spring was just around the corner which made it a perfect time to start. Unfortunately, spring wasn’t quite as close as I’d hoped. […]