Book review: Robberty Bobberty and Friends by Rachel Coverdale

RobbeRobberty Bobberty book review

This is the third book written by Rachel Coverdale that we’ve had the pleasure of reviewing. The story book is called Robberty Bobberty and Friends and is beautifully illustrated by Shelly Oyston. We were gifted a copy of the book in return for writing a review. You can find out about all of Rachel’s work […]

Common parenting problems and how to solve them


This article is written by Alexandra Kremer about common problems experienced by parents, with tips about how to overcome them. Alex is a fertility, birth and parenting specialist, antenatal, postnatal educator and practitioner who works with families from pre-conception up to the early years. She has a keen interest in psychology which shows up in […]

The end of life as we know it?

rainbows and clouds

This week has been surreal. A few months ago, I remember feeling very worried that my husband would be very ill if he caught Covid-19. But that’s about as far as my fears went. Worry about our physical well being. This week, things have moved onto a whole different level. Each day has brought new […]

Stop the rollercoaster, I want to get off.

self care

I’m going to start this by saying that I appreciate how lucky I am. I am mum to two beautiful sisters. So far, they are growing and developing as they should. They’re settled and thriving and have a bond so strong that melts my heart. But being their mum is sometimes hard. Our eldest came […]

Book review: Who Hides Here? Footprints on the Farm

I was asked a couple of years ago by Rachel Coverdale to review her first book in the Who Hides Here? series. It is about the animals that live in the garden which little Miss really enjoyed. Here’s my review of it. We were really excited when Rachel contacted me recently to see if I […]

How to survive taking your baby swimming

Swimming is something I really enjoy doing. I don’t particularly enjoy the getting changed before and after part, but when I’m in the water, I love it. I love that it gives me space to think. No-one asking me to do anything for them. Time just for me. Swimming with children is a whole different […]

I’m a geriatric mum. What’s your superpower?

Geriatric can be an adjective or a noun. Its use is usually for referring to the health care of old people. It can also carry overtones of something being decrepit and worn out. According to Oxford dictionaries, it can be offensive to use geriatric in this context if it’s used in reference to people. Bearing […]

Playing out

The adoption process

When I was a child, playing out was a big part of my life. I played out with my friends in the streets around our house. My sister and I had boundaries and a curfew but we were left to our own devices. We explored, made dens, cut up worms and generally had fun. Unfortunately, […]

No going back

I guess it’s always difficult to know when it’s the right time to tell your child they’re going to have a sibling. As a parent you want to protect them from as much heartache as possible. Until the new baby is safely in your arms, there’s always a chance something will go wrong. Telling your […]

To Facebook or not to Facebook?

I love Facebook. Probably not for the same reason that most people do. My love of Facebook is because of my love to shop. There are a wide range of amazing shops offering an array of unique homemade goods. The first shop I ever bought from is A Crafty Hen. I bought 2 bibs just […]